Planting alfalfa restored the soil for the next year and made good winter feed for livestock.Important: before continuing, save your scenario, exit the editor, then re-load your scenario in the editor using the “Edit scenario” button on the main menu. Alfalfa, for example, restores nitrogen to soil from which it has been depleted by other crops. Through crop rotation, different plants were found to restore the nutrients needed by something else. Planting the same crops over and over depleted specific nutrients that a plant needed in quantity. Farmers of the Middle Ages did not understand the science of this result but developed a practical plan through experience. Experimentation showed that proper crop rotation could restore high yields. With experience over time farmers noted that food production gradually declined on fields where the same crops were planted year after year.
Burgundians: With update 47820, Crop Rotation costs -50% food. Vietnamese: With update 35584, Crop Rotation costs no wood. Vietnamese: Crop Rotation costs the regular price. Vietnamese: Crop Rotation costs no wood. Sicilians: Crop Rotation provides +350 food to Farms. Portuguese: Researching Crop Rotation is 30% faster. Burgundians: Can research Crop Rotation in the Castle Age. As a result, their farms have up to 925 food, and with a Chinese ally, they get 1,017.5 food, giving the Sicilian farms the largest amount of food in the game. The Sicilians already have a civilization bonus which grants extra food by researching all other farm upgrades. If the technology is completed while a Farm is being built, the food bonus applies to that Farm. Once researched, it gives Farms +175 food (for a total of 550) before they need to be reseeded.įarms that are built before Crop Rotation is researched do not gain the food bonus. Farms provide +175 food before they need to be reseeded Crop Rotation is a technology in Age of Empires II that can be researched at the Mill or at the Folwark ( Poles only) once the Imperial Age is reached.