After my last post I found a utility called Linux Game Server Manager, which brings a level of accessibility I have come to love. Hello friend, I just noticed you recently necro'd this two year old post. Not a problem, it'll change to downloading files directly from the box you host the server on instead of the FastDL server! (sarcasm) Download speed from the server is usually <60kb/s when some maps can be tens to hundreds of MB in size. This is important because many maps were made by modders running windows and windows servers, so if a creator named a file "RE_jane.char" and in the map file it's called "re_jane.char", a linux server won't find the file because it is looking for "re_jane" and treats "RE_jane" like a different file. If you created another file it would renamed to banana(1), second to banana(2) and so on, even with changed uppercasing (BaNaNa, BananA, ect). On windows, names are not case sensitive so you can only have one called "banana.file". Linux reads file names case sensitive so " banana.file" and " Banana.file" are two different files. Long, unnecessary explanation why this happens below. If playing with friends, send them a scmapdb link to the map to manually download what you're playing. Using linux to host, some maps won't download over a FastDL server. I can't give specific help as I don't host the server anymore, but I can share some resources I looked at.Ĭonvenient server hosting (can't say if it works or not):

I was hosting a sven-coop 5.0 server on my vps until "recently". Lobster (For helping me understand Angelscript) The303 (For attempting to create a sniper scope) R4to0.exe (For providing server and ideas) Nero (For inspirating me in doing this port with another port of his) I know this is Sven, well I recive a lot of request of PVP maps, if you don't like PVP just ignore it :).īecause includes all Counter Strike 1.6 weapons sounds, models, sprites, also two. Just write buy in chat!, you need score to buy items, he. All the weapons have a spawn in map, so I don't put in the buy. This is cs_italy map ported to Sven Co-op, includes original Counter Strike weapons, a system that allow player pickup one primary weapon at time (close to original game), the only way to get other weapon is dropping the actual, also include a buy system to allow player buy ammo, and all original pistols.